The framework behind any great BI consultancy

An effective BI consultancy can help introduce more actionable insights for enterprises across many sectors and industries. 

From decreasing the risk of data loss to allowing access to greater insights on consumer trends, the world of data analytics is varied, expansive, and valuable for users and stakeholders alike. 

However, for BI consultants to provide the greatest level of insights and value possible, they must hold the experience, knowledge, and components necessary to make a true difference. 

These components can be both internal and client-facing, and provide the infrastructure needed to offer a high level of service. 

At Transparity, we always aim to provide the greatest service possible to our clients and regularly examine and discuss our framework. At a glance, some of the components that make up our framework are: 

  • A vast array of specialisations and expertise 
  • A value-led methodology 
  • A collaborative approach 
  • A focus on consistent optimisation 

Below, we’re exploring these components in more detail, and discussing how they come together to form a framework that ensures quality service for our clients at all times. 

A vast array of specialisations and expertise 

Any valuable Business Intelligence consultancy needs to be reinforced by a wide range of specialisations and expertise. 

Not all enterprises struggle with the same issues, and each one makes use of a different architecture. This means that we often encounter businesses seeking solutions to a wide variety of challenges, and the need to be prepared for any situation that may arise. 

With a team of passionate specialists in a variety of fields and areas – from Machine Learning to Power BI to Microsoft Azure – we can offer several different services with confidence. 

This means that whether an international organisation is in search of advanced analytics and ML-enabled prescriptive analytics, or a regional business is looking to enhance their data management with a data warehouse, we can supply bespoke solutions that cater to their individual needs and are designed to provide a scalable solution for the future. 

Learn more about the benefits of accessing a wide pool of outsourced experience and skillsets in our blog. 

A value-led methodology 

Methodologies are instrumental in a wide number of fields, informing all parties on what ongoing participation will involve, and what is expected throughout. For Business Intelligence consultancies, this is no different. 

To provide significant benefits to clients, a BI consultancy should operate with a tried-and-tested methodology in mind. This will instruct how a consultancy acts and the processes involved in any client engagement and beyond. 

At Transparity, our methodology is a five-step process, designed to add tangible value to businesses in both the short and long term. Our methodology is as follows: 

  1. Data: we examine and inspect all data sources and assets 
  2. Strategy: we’ll work with you to develop a strategy to reach core objectives 
  3. Architecture: we’ll modify existing architecture or create a new one for sturdy foundations 
  4. Intelligence: we’ll implement tools that allow you to reach intelligent insights 
  5. Growth: our retained engagement approach allows us to support future growth 

A collaborative approach 

For Business Intelligence consultancies, a collaborative approach can often be beneficial for both the consultancy and the partnering enterprise. There are many core advantages to this that we have previously explored here, but it extends further. 

Put simply, a collaborative approach establishes a core and vital element of trust between the enterprise and the BI consultancy. This means that throughout the partnership, any implementation processes can be completed seamlessly and with the full buy-in from both stakeholders and the internal team. It can also enable any unexpected challenge or disruption to be handled effectively and rapidly. 

Learn more about how our collaborative approach has previously enhanced our implementation in our range of case studies. 

A focus on consistent optimisation 

A focus on consistent and continuous optimisation is an essential part of any successful BI consultancy framework. This focus can be divided into two sub-components; a focus on internal optimisation, as well as client-side development. 

Internal optimisation 

For internal teams, a focus on internal optimisation involves promoting upskilling and cross-skilling, allowing them to develop even more insights and experience to offer a greater range of services and solutions. 

Client-side development 

Client-side development can involve discovering new ways to make processes more effective and streamlined. As a result, all clients will continue to be pleased and trusting in the overall process, leading to greater satisfaction and retention. 

Empowering data-driven intelligence at Transparity 

At Transparity, we’re committed to delivering sophisticated and intelligent services to clients across a range of industries. From improving the strategic decision-making behind essential business decisions, to creating a secure single source of truth throughout your teams, our team of specialists can deliver solutions today. 

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